Children's Ministries

Children's Ministry

The Children's Ministry uses Scripture to help children gain a Christian worldview mindset while becoming familiar with the whole Bible. We work to encourage children to trust in the promises of God and to Christ throughout the Bible. Discipleship through growing disciples, teaching our children the need for Christ as their Savior, and how to share His love with friends and family.


Preschool Ministry

The Preschool Ministry serves children ages 0-4 in our church. A large part of what we do is provide childcare on Sunday mornings. In addition to showing these little ones Jesus' love for them. We make sure the rooms have all the needed supplies, train and schedule volunteers, write and manage policies and procedures, as well as deal with any issues that arise in regards to our church's youngest attendees and the spaces they inhabit. We also maintain and monitor the cry room at the back of the sanctuary.


VBS - Vacation Bible School 2024

Prepare to swing into fun as we head out on

The Great Jungle Journey!

Visit the VBS 2024 Page!